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Thursday, August 25, 2011

Ready to add more play to your day?

I don't know about you, but I tend to take life way too seriously. I have "important" things to do, "urgent" messages to return, laundry, shopping...go, go, go! I don't take nearly enough time to sit down on the floor and play cars, tackle my little girl into a tickle fight, or just pause, be silly and laugh! So when I ran across the book by Lawrence Cohen, "Playful Parenting," I ordered a copy. And when I started to look through it, I decided that it was destined to be our next Book Club selection. We have several copies in the Fiesta library, or you can order it on Amazon.

I know, I know, it's been a long time since I organized another book and topic. So if this is the first you've heard of the book club, send me an email at carol.gloetzner@la-familia-inc.org, and I'll lead you through the steps to get started. The book club is all online, so it's easy to participate no matter how busy your schedule.

To kick off the fun, join us in Albuquerque on September 16th, from 6-8:30PM. We'll watch a Dr. Karyn Purvis movie on Playful Interactions and enjoy a potluck of stews, salads and muffins. Fiesta will provide drinks and dessert. For the first 30 kids who sign up, it will be Pajama Party Time. Call Monica to get more info and rsvp at 235-7261. Whether or not you can make it, you're are still invited to join us in reading and discussing the book. (And we'll love to see you at the dinner and movie night, even if you don't join the book club.)

I have resolved to spend less time telling my kids, "Wait just a minute and maybe I'll play when I'm done with my.... email, phone call, sweeping, folding, or facebooking." I want to bring more play into my toolbox! What a great strategy to promote attachment!

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Back to School...

One of our talented, amazing FIESTA parents shared a version of the letter she created with the help of Adoptive Families magazine to give to her child's teacher... I love this idea and thought some of you might too...

Dear Teacher,
We are so excited to begin a new school year with you! I wanted to make certain you know that our family was formed through adoption, since it may come up in discussion this year in your class. Sammy also has a brother/sister adopted/not adopted from (type of adoption). In the coming weeks I would like to provide you some terrific educational resources about adoption in general, positive adoption language and attachment issues, which many adopted children face. Today, I am sending you a sample Q & As that may help you with responses to questions about adoption from kids in the classroom, should they arise. Sammy understands that her adoption story is hers, and only hers to share in the classroom if she wishes.

Background on Type of Adoption
Sammy was adopted (type of adoption) in (place, country) at age ( ), Sammy has a closed/semi-open/open adoption, meaning (define and briefly describe details of contact naming any birth parents that the child might bring up at school).

Here are some questions you may hear in the classroom, with appropriate answers suggested.

Q: Where are Sammy's real parent(s)?
A: Sammy's real parents are the parents who are raising her, (insert name-s). She also has birthparents or first parents who gave birth to her. Optional expansion: Sammy has two sets of “real” parent(s). Her birthparents are real, as she was born to them. Her adoptive parent(s) are real, as they are raising her and she is their daughter.

Q: Did it cost a lot to adopt her?
A: This is like asking how much your parents paid for the doctor and hospital when you were born. In adoption, there are other costs involved, like fees for social work professionals and attorneys to cover the legal and social work involved in completing an adoption.

Q: Why didn’t her first family want her? Didn’t they love her?
A: They love her very much, but they couldn’t take care of her and keep her safe. Sammy needed to be raised by a family that would keep her safe, love her and could take care of her forever. Adoptions always happen for grownup reasons, and are never the result of anything a child does.

We want you, our child’s teacher, to know that we believe that families are created through love, respect, and caring and not solely through genetic connections. Thank you for helping us communicate this to Sammy's classmates. Please feel free to call or email me if you have any questions. As the school year progresses we can speak in detail on more specific issues.

Sammy's Mom and Dad
Names & Cell Phone


Tuesday, August 16, 2011

E Mountains and Los Lunas

Come and join other adoptive parents as we learn about more 
tools we can use from our parenting toolbox  :)
This Friday, Aug. 19th, 5:30-8:30  @ CYFD in Los Lunas, 
"Intentional ReParenting" (attachment parenting) 
Dinner and Child Care available 
Pls Call Monica to rsvp 235-7261
This Sunday, Aug. 21st, 2 to 5  @ A. Montoya Elementary School 
in Tijeras "TRUST BASED PARENTING" Part I, w/ Dr. Karyn Purvis 
Child care available Mexican Potluck.  
FIESTA will provide drinks, dessert, and paper products. 
Pls call to RSVP, Monica @ 235-7261