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Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Our Fiesta Facebook Village

If you’re not a member of out facebook group- join! We are so excited about the way it has become a place meet with other adoptive parents, anytime, day or night. This past week, an adoptive parent posted, for the first time, about the difficulty she is having with her child. Within hours of her post , there were 12 comments, encouraging her and welcoming her to the group. Here are some of them.

“….you've found a place to call home. We understand truly what you face day in and day out...we do it, too. Here you will find support, resources, trainings, respite, and the list goes on. Both NM Fiesta and La Familia have given me validation, wisdom, experience and this list goes on, too. Welcome. Come to the trainings. Come to mom/dads monthly group. It ALL helps.”

“That you're here on this site is 1/4 of the battle. There are great resources and lots of support for adoptive parents in New Mexico, much of it available through the Fiesta Project. Post away, and good luck.”

“Yes, I ditto what the others say! If nothing else I'm a good listener and I truly think you'll get the support you need from this fantastic group especially since no-one judges. Lots of love and luck xxxx”

I hope she was blown away by the welcome and overwhelming support she received. I know I was.

The face book group has become a place to share successes and frustrating days. It’s a place to ask questions on everything from finding a good pre-school in your area, information on IEPs and ADD, to how to handle the death of a pet with a child who has experienced too much loss. People are free to share their opinions on topics such as the use of medication, video games, and eye doctors. There are book suggestions, great quotes, information on Fiesta trainings, and links to interesting studies and blogs.

Here’s a recent comment by an adoptive parent-

“I have heard it said that courage is not being fearless but rather being afraid and doing it anyway. I propose that loving our children does not mean never getting angry but choosing a loving response in spite of our anger, being patient does not mean we never get irritable but that we choose to deal with the irritation and allow our children and ourselves the space to try again. I don't know if that means anything to the rest of you but since I am still struggling with being human I thought I would post this for myself, if no one else.”

To join, go to our webpage and click on “Facebook” from the main menu. You have two options- Fiesta Group or Book Club. (Hey! While you’re at it, might as well join the Book Club, too!) When you click, it will immediately connect you to the facebook group, where you can ask to join. It is a closed group. That way, we can control who can view it. You don’t have to worry about your mother-in-law, neighbor, or high school buddy looking into a personal part of your life. If you have any trouble, call any family contact. We’d love to have you become part of our “village.”

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