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Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Do 21 months old get alzeimers?

Our 21 month old absolutely LOVES throwng things in the trash for us, so tonight, while I was changing the 5 month old, I rolled up the dirty diaper and asked her to throw it in the trash for me. Later in the evening, as I was closing down the house for the night, I went to the kitchen windows to close the blinds. There on the window sill was the dirty diaper. She's soooo dependable on throwing things away for us, it didn't even occur to me to make sure the diaper actually went in the trash.



Carol Gloetzner said...

Sue, that is so funny! Better keep her away from your keys!

Sue Nachor said...

I know. I also have to check the trash frequently because she occassionally decides to throw away things you don't want thrown away. I'll find a sippy cup, a peice of clothing, whatever. She's one funny kiddo.