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Sunday, June 5, 2011


OK, so I have watched all the Karyn Purvis DVD's - discussed trauma parenting at length with my co-workers and FIESTA families and STILL, I mess up!

Yesterday was a trying day for me - I was tired from not sleeping well the night before. I'll just name it: I WAS CRANKY and somehow, when I'm cranky no one else is allowed to be...

My sweet 7 year old little guy was having a hard time getting along with his siblings and when he was asked to take a seat to calm down he 'lost it'. I ignored him, hoping the tantrum would stop. Eventually, it did. He fell asleep.

I was thankful for peace in the house - then, almost immediately, it hit me - his rage was, obviously not because of the 'seat' he was asked to take, but from his deep, deep pain. The pain of his circumstances, the fear of not knowing what might happen to his family - the unbelievable pain of missing his birth mom - unspeakable, primitive pain.

I took a long drive - all the while crying and asking God for forgiveness and a 're-do.' I came home, scooped my sleeping guy into my lap and held him - my beautiful, kindhearted, sweet, little angel gave me the 're-do' I was praying for. "I love you Momma"

1 comment:

lavendergardener said...

Thank you, Donna. This really hit home. Amazing insight. Thank you.