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Monday, October 10, 2011

Things Aren't Always What They Seem

We had a lot of family and friends come in to celebrate our youngest child's adoption this past weekend. It was Wonderul! Lots of yummy food, lots of hugs and kisses, and gifts for our children. We all loved it! Our children were surrounded by people who dearly love them and celebrate them.

In the process, we had a reminder that some melt downs aren't always what they seem.
Our middle son was adopted 3 years ago. He has been with us 4 years. We have seen great and amazing changes of growth in him.

Sunday, one of his uncles, who has the same name as his beloved biological uncle - who disappeared out of his life this past year, had promised him to take him hiking. Our son was told he would do it after it warmed up. My son didn't hear that part. His new uncle went to go look at houses for a bit.

All of a sudden, my son became nasty and rude to me. ME, his sweet loving mommy (lol). I saw him gearing up, so I was keeping him close to me. I asked him to come sit by me, he wouldn't, which was asissited with some unkind words from him. So, everyone left the room, except he and I. After he began to calm down I asked him to come sit with me and after awhile, he did. I put him on my lap. He had big sad tears running down his face. I asked him what was he sad about. He talked about the promise of a hike and that it wasn't going to happen. I reminded him that his uncle would take him later. He angrily denied that it was said.

I hugged him and said, "He's not forgetting you. He's not leaving you. He's here." My son began to breathe deeply and more calm.

Finally, I saw that it had not been a temper tantrum, but that his little heart was breaking, yet again.

He and his uncle ended the day with kea great hike and a big smile.

Monica Cohu

1 comment:

Carla B- said...

You are wise to see that something else was causing his pain. All four of your children are blessed to have you! While each is so different, you continue to reach out to each of their unique needs.

I am glad the adoption party went well. I am sorry we missed it!