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Thursday, April 29, 2010

Book Club News

Starting next week, we'll take a couple of months to go through the book, “More Than a Mom: Living a Full And Balanced Life When Your Child Has Special Needs”. I don’t know about you, but on my good days, I feel overwhelmed with hugging. My gang of little girls is very “huggie, cuddly” and although it is sweet and most of the time I love it, by the middle of the afternoon, some days, I need a mini-respite time all by myself to recharge. It’s a dream of mine to make it through an entire potty break without someone at the door needing me, needing me. Then there are the other days. The days when the chess game starts the minute I get up (or before) and I have to be quick-witted to think two steps ahead in the manipulation game- constantly looking for deeper meanings, hidden motivations, strategies to change behavior or promote healing (more hugging). And the days go by one after another until, without realizing it, I start to lose a part of myself. I’ve busied myself into a crazy, stressful routine, and look in the mirror one day and say, “How in the world did I get here?” or “Where did I go?” So I don’t have time to read a book about balancing my life….could that be a problem?

I would love to have you participate in our online book club. Reading the book is optional. Topics in the books are springboards for discussions. Have you visited (Face Book group, NM Fiesta Book Club) to read the incredible insights that Evonne and Zandree have posted? If not, you are missing out. These two moms have let us into their worlds of adoption with honesty and compassion- I love them! What a privilege to get to know them! It’s become an online support group where we can share our struggles and successes. Make a cup of coffee, log on any time, and take a little break to share with other adoptive parents. Hopefully, you’ll have five or ten minutes to relax before someone needs you again.


Oh- I still have a couple of books to give away!

Monday, April 26, 2010


9 to 2 pm @ St. Teresa of Avila Catholic School, cafeteria,
- Neurobiology of Trauma
- Creating an Emotional Vocabulary
- Avoiding Power Struggles
- Coming alongside Anger (instead of getting in the way)
- Discipline vs Punishment
- What to do with Lying and Stealing
- & Much More!
Lunch and Child care Provided, along with 5 Training Hours
Call or email Monica with Questions or RSVPs!

Monday, April 19, 2010

TRACI TIPPETT Attachment Training

April 24, 2010 @ La Familia,
9 to 1
Child Care & Snacks provided.
Reservations are Strongly Suggested!
Please call a Family Contact to reserve your spot!
Gayle Foster & Sue Nachor: 1-877-380-3597,
Donna Payne: 1-877-696-2502, or Monica Cohu: 1-877-380-3595

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Free Books!!!

I want to buy you the book, Attaching in Adoption, by Deborah Gray. It's a great beginner book for you to read or pass on to someone new. It's also the NM Fiesta Book Club selection for July/ August. This is a treasure hunt. I'll order books for the first three people to navigate to Face Book, go to "groups", find NM Fiesta Book Club, join or sign in and leave me a comment under the new discussion topic about our list of the next four books. I know, I know, it's a shameless way to get you to do what I want...join us! I'd love to have more people visit and participate in discussions about the things we most enjoy talking about- ourselves and our kids!

Thursday, April 15, 2010

These videos are very worth watching...


Please take some time to review and ask everyone you know who is touched by adoption to do the same. Invaluable...
Spring is here, what to do....?

How about joining us for a Love and Logic DVD presentation in Raton, NM? We are going to get together on April 22nd at the CYFD offices for some Dinner and some great conversation, and some very helpful information too!

Also on tap....

Family Fishing Day!!! April 24th Pecos, NM with Ti Piper
here is a brief summary of events for that day:
For a Family Fishing Clinic, I will bring new line and we can show you how you can put new line on your reels. I will have push button reels for all to use, as well as rods, hooks, sinkers, bait, bobbers and so on. We can make Pistol Petes (a fly lure) which can be used right then and there. I will have open face spinning rods/reels, and fly fishing gear for everyone to try and or use. We will start at the Lisboa Springs Hatchery, which is just up the road from Monastery Lake. There is a self guided tour of the hatchery (this is where we raise rainbow trout), and real bathrooms. Then off to the lake for fishing and a picnic. I will have garbage bags; we can do a shoreline litter pickup as a service learning project. The families with good 'walking' legs can walk around the lake, it only takes 30 minutes and there are good fishing spots away from the parking area. Those 12 and older need a fishing license to fish at Monastery Lake. Licenses are available at our NM Dept Game & Fish offices, or online, or at any sporting goods store. All Wal-Marts sell fishing licenses. You need the last four digits of your social security number to buy a resident fishing license in New Mexico. PLEASE RSVP NO LATER THAN WEDNESDAY APRIL 21ST, 2010 TO TIM MARTINEZ 505.470.6941 OR

Wednesday, April 14, 2010


"When the Pieces of their life are missing"
with Kristi Cullers
6 TO 9 pm @ La Familia
child care & dinner provided.
Pls Call to RSVP, 235-7261

Monday, April 12, 2010

Connecting, Empowering, Correcting...

I was able to attend a training with Dr. Karen Purvis of TCU today. In a word, AMAZING. I highly recommend you read her book, The Connected Child and visit the website www.child.tcu.edu and www.empoweredtoconnect.org Here are a few highlights...

Think about how much time you spend correcting your child's behaviors...the average is 85%... Dr. Purvis suggested that the three parental responsibilities are Connecting with our child, Empowering our children with words and choices and Correcting and teaching behaviors. Studies have shown that most parents spend the majority of the time correcting and the least amount of time connecting with their child. She was clear this isn't about getting stepped on or run over by our kids, it is ALL about meeting them where they are and showing them that they are WORTH being in relationship with. Dr. Purvis also reminded us to parent to our child's developmental age instead of focusing on their chronological age.

She talked a lot about nutrition and meeting basic needs. Dr. Purvis said "our" kids need to be given a nutritious snack every two hours and kept hydrated. She believes that kids with an abuse and neglect history are very commonly chronically dehydrated. She suggested that we look into a property in green tea called theanine ( http://www.ehow.com/how_4747605_whether-green-tea-relieves-stress.html )as a stress reducer for our kids and increasing our use of cinnamon as a blood sugar leveler for kids with mood swings. We discussed the enormous value of Omega 3s and 6s...especially flax and chia seeds! I've recently been adding these to my family's diet so I was thrilled!

We discussed parenting styles ranging from Neglectful to Permissive to Authoritative to Authoritarian. Most of our kids come out of Neglectful Parenting backgrounds and studies show that many adoptive and foster parents fall in the Authoritarian realm. Dr. Purvis discussed the need to move toward an Authoritative persuasion which is high in structure but also really high in warmth and nurturing. She shared a quote from Abraham Lincoln, "Force is all conquering but its victories are shortlived". We know our kids need structure but in order to have attachment, you have to add the nurturing and warmth...As I've heard someone say in the past, "Who would want to attach to a crabby ol bitty?" She reminded us to ALWAYS focus on downloading our kids with authentic praise and treat our kids with respect even in their worst behaviors.

Dr. Purvis talked about things that they do at TCU to serve "kids from hard places" and one of the coolest things in my mind was that they created what they call a "crash and bump" room. It is a safe place for kids to get their sensory needs met. She suggested that our kids need and actually crave access to things that meet their sensory needs because they often didn't get those needs met in infancy and toddlerhood. She suggested the room should contain things like..a sit and spin, a pool of dry kidney beans, a tub of rice, mats for tumbling, hoola hoops and a barrel for rolling.

She ended by sharing what she believes are the four most important things for adoptive parents to know and understand....
1. Attachment
2. Sensory Needs and Issues
3. Brain Development
4. Neurochemistry of Fear

It is my hope that FIESTA will be bringing trainings focused on these four topics to each area of New Mexico in the next year. There is hope, there is healing..we can get there...

Monday, April 5, 2010

Free Webinar...Really Good Stuff....

Free webinar with Dr. Karen Purvis.....AWESOME!


An Invitation to Families Who Ride Bikes

We just got word from The Adoption Exchange that they have opened up some free spots for a great weekend event. Anyone with adopted or foster kids in the family can bring the whole gang to a bike race at the Sandia Motor Speedway this Saturday, April 10th. There will be games, prizes, clowns, bouncers (yeah, I know, the ones kids jump in, not the kind that kick you out when you start a fight) and great fun for everyone. Call or email me for more info. 1-888-298-7562