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Monday, October 19, 2009

Adopted Adult Confirms Book Choice

Hello, my name is Sheila Kruis and I live in Gallup, NM. This past weekend I attended a women's conference at a local church. One of the speakers, Barbara Pack, spoke to us about how we need to take care of our children. What really caught my attention with her was her story and testimony of how she grew up in the foster care system and was eventually adopted as a teenager, but also got involved with drugs and ended up in jail. Her life turned around 180 degrees and she is now raising her three daughters and has a ministry to women coming out of prison or jail.

At one of the breaks I was able to introduce myself to Barbara and I told her that my husband Brian and I have five children total and have adopted three of our children and are working on adopting our foster baby. When she heard that, the first thing out of her mouth was, "You NEED to read the book, 'Twenty Things Adopted Kids Wish Their Adopted Parents Knew', by Sherrie Eldridge." Then I was able to tell her about my position as a Family Contact with FIESTA and that we are currently reading and discussing that very book in our Gallup Support Group. She was so thrilled! Barbara personally knows Sherrie, the author of the book, and said she would share this information with her as well. This was such a confirmation to me that reading this book is exactly what we need to be doing. I also noticed on Amazon.com that Sherrie is coming out with a new book in about a week, that would seem to follow well after this book.


lavendergardener said...

A few weeks ago, I preordered several copies of her new book for the lending library!

sheila said...

Thank you! I'll be sure to check one out when the new books come in.